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The Retail Fit-Out Process – Alliance Ireland

As any business owner knows; time is of the essence, which is why when a retail firm is opening a new store, they will seek out a company who can ensure the fit out runs quickly and efficiently.

As commercial refurbishment experts, we at Alliance Ireland have handled our fair share of retail fit-out projects and have developed a system that ensures our clients receive a retail outlet created to their exact specifications in the timeliest manner.


You would be surprised how many people overlook the fundamentals when fitting out a retail space; your shop needs to be bright, spacious and warm to ensure your customers have a positive experience. We work closely with our clients during the design stages to ensure we create a retail unit that will allow customers plenty of space to browse products as well as creating areas for unique product displays.


No retail space would be complete without the correct stands and product displays. Our professional carpenters and joiners can create displays which will truly help your products stand out and direct customer attention to where it needs to be.


Finally, we need to ensure everything is installed correctly and that your new retail space has all the essential fixtures and amenities. We have a team of experienced, fully registered (RGI, Safe Electric, CIRI) tradespeople able to handle the installation of all essential fixtures, including all gas and electrical works.

To learn more about our retail fit out services, please contact us.


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